
PhD in Applied Mathematics
June 2026 (est.)
University of California - Davis
BS in Mathematicssumma cum laude
June 2020
BS in Computer Sciencesumma cum laude
June 2020
Seattle Pacific University
C++ Frontend Developer
WAVES Program Michigan State University
June August 2021
  • Created new graphical user interfaces for C++ driven web applications in the header-only library, Empirical
  • Suggested a new schema for component inheritance to ensure that prefabricated web components are extensible
Frontend Developer
ParaLibrary Project Seattle Pacific University
January July 2020
  • Planned interface for a progressive web-app to facilitate sharing physical books between neighbors and friends
  • Designed UI and control flow for loans management by users
Development Intern
Faithlife Corporation
June August 2019
  • Wrote frontend components in React for the Communications web-app in Equip, a church management tool
  • Created unit tests for backend functions in C# to store and retrieve user data from a SQL database
Teaching Assistant
Mathematics Dept. University of California, Davis
September 2020 Present
  • Plan and execute discussion sections using cutting edge distance learning techniques
  • Provide support through practice sessions and affirmation to build confidence in mathematical abilities
  • Track improvements in mathematical skill and technique
Tutor, TA and Grader
Mathematics Dept. Seattle Pacific University
September 2017 July 2020
  • Tutored students taking the calculus series and statistics classes
Technical Writer
COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling
February 2019
  • Worked in a team of 3 to write and submit a solution paper in 5 days (Problem D, Team #1908810)
  • Leveraged spectral graph theory, agent-based modeling, and differential equations to model flow on a network
  • Identified potential bottlenecks in the Louvre’s floor-plan and gave recommendations for evacuation strategy
Applied Mathematics Researcher
SURIEM Michigan State University
May July 2018
  • Used rigorous mathematical techniques to connect dynamics of a random walk model to Brownian motion
  • Derived equations that could allow for a novel method of population density estimation
Applications Programmer
Netcentric Computing (CSC 3221) Seattle Pacific University
May 2018
  • Created a front end HTML page prettified with Bootstrap to interface with a database
  • Wrote CRUD functionality for a SQL database with Node.js
Technical Writer
COMAP’s Mathematical Contest in Modeling
February 2018
  • Worked in a team of 3 to write and submit a solution paper in 5 days (Problem C, Team #77711)
  • Experimented in R to find patterns in the states’ energy usage dataset of 10,000+ data points
  • Created a mathematical model to explain states’ pattern of renewable energy consumption
Seattle Pacific University
February 2019
  • Wrote an open source application in Javascript with the Processing library to simulate flocking behavior
  • Generate interaction matrices to explore complex emergent behavior and group dynamics
ProgrammerNetwork Rewrite Machine
Seattle Pacific University
January 2018
  • Implemented a "Turing machine on a graph" process to search for complex behavior in simple rule sets
  • Inspired by Southwell, Huang, and Canning’s paper, Complex Networks from Simple Rules
ProgrammerColor Space Folding
Seattle Pacific University
August 2017
  • Implemented the Kohonen self-organizing map algorithm for dimensionality reduction to reduce points in the RGB colorspace to a two dimensional surface
  • Wrote a function to create STL files for the generated surfaces for 3D printing